
Clone of Clone of Clone of 燃油和制动管路系统


  • 管材弯折
  • 管材焊接
  • 管端成形管到软管组装——扣压
  • 镀铜
  • 双壁硬焊轧制机
  • 单壁焊接轧制机
  • Galfan®合金或MagAlloyTM(热浸镀工艺)
  • 电子锌电镀流程
  • 金属管材预处理
  • 涂漆
  • 尼龙(PA12,PA 612导电和不导电)挤出工艺
  • 金属管材聚丙烯挤出工艺
  • 尼龙剥皮
  • 聚丙烯剥皮
  • 切割
  • 管端成形
  • 修边
  • 弯曲
  • 泄漏测试
  • 压力测试
  • 塑料管材制造


  • 钎焊
  • 弯曲
  • 组装
  • 泄漏测试


  • 快速连接
Modernization of Our Portfolio

As a low-cost material alternative, LoPerm 4000E, not only fulfills the evolving demands of today’s ethanol-gasoline mixed fuel applications but also aligns with the changing market and customer expectations. Despite the growing popularity of electric vehicles, LoPerm 4000E serves as an important option for internal combustion engines – including hybrid powertrains - which will continue to play a crucial role as a reliable form of transportation for the foreseeable future.


  • Five-layer thermoplastic tubing construction
  • Reduced oligomer and washout buildup by at least 80%
  • Superior permeation and chemical resistance against environmental factors
  • Available sizes ranging from 6-18 mm for compatible assembly
  • Non-conductive version is available
  • Temperature ranges up to 120°C